Tuesday, August 6, 2013

August 6

 Rest day and I need it.  I'm not as sore today as I feared I would be after yesterday's workout, so that's good.

August 5

21-15-9 of:
Lunges holding 45# weight bar overhead

I completed it in 7:34; used both elastic bands for the chinups.  This was a really difficult workout for me.  The lunges weren't too bad, but arms were toast from the chinups.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

August 4

3 rounds for time:
15 Wall balls 20lb, 10ft
15 box jump 16 in (all previous box jumps have been 12in)


August 3

6 rounds for time:
10 toes to bar
200m run

16:02.  This was first time using new bar setup so was actually off the ground the whole time for toes to bar. Did 3 rounds toes to bar, rest knees to elbows.

August 2

Worked on form, consider an off day.

August 1

Rest day!!

July 31

10 rounds for time:
10 KB swings
10 DUs (sub 2 regular)
10 full release pushups


July 30

Work on form for clean using 75lb.

July 29

5 rounds for time:
20 air squats
20 straight leg ab mat sit ups (no arm swinging allowed)


July 28

Rest day

July 27

4 rounds for time:
15 butterfly ab mat situps
10 KB figure 8s
200m run


July 26

Worked out with trainer.  Did ring dips, can't remember what else.

July 25

1600m run
1 min rest
1600m run

Did 1600m, had to stop due to left knee pain.

July 24

Rest day!

July 23

3 rounds for time:
10 back squats 75lb
10 knees to elbows


July 22

4 rounds for time:
10 burpee box jumps
400m run


July 21

5 rounds for time:
15 KB swings
10 long jumps


July 20

Rest day!!

July 19

4 rounds for time:
5 paralet pushups
5 standard pushups
5 diamond pushups
200m row


July 18

8 minute AMRAP:
10 air squats
10 press 75lb (sub push press)

4 rounds plus 7 squats.  All push press, had to go down to 65lb in second round.

July 17

Rest day!!!

July 16

21-15-9 of:
Double Unders (sub 2 reg jump rope skips)
KB squats

4:22; tried to do 5 DUs each round then switched to regular

July 15

4 rounds for time:
10 partner assisted chin ups
15 box jumps
10 toes to bar
200m run

17:58.  Did 2 chinups by myself first round, 1 the next round, rest were assisted

July 14

5 rounds for time:
15 KB swings
30 2-count jumping jacks


July 13

Worked out with trainer, get details...

July 12

Rest day, training schedule got messed up...

July 11

Tabata of each exercise below, 1 min rest between sets of tabata.

Squats - 11
Ab mat situps - 10
Pushups - 9 (most of them on my knees)

July 10

Rest day!!!

July 9

10 minute AMRAP:
10 handstand wall up
10 KB swings
200m run

I completed 2.5 rounds.  Handstand wall-ups were very difficult...